#2 - Collection of Concept Art for ANIMIST (Glimmers)

Overall, one of the most important factions for us to design was the Glimmers. These represent the main antagonistic force occupying the City of Dancing Lights, and pose the largest threat to the player. These guys need to dominate the spaces they're in, but still be surmountable as a general goal for the player.

Mockup for one of the more powerful Glimmer enemies, codenamed "Rattlers". These are all essentially going to built off of the same base mesh, with more added on to signify their different roles/abilities.

Concept depicting what that base frame may look like. May end up being an enemy type of their own, essentially representing the common fodder Glimmer model. Fast, and fragile.

Mockup for a type of Glimmer known as a "Peacekeeper".

This final concept represents a revised version of that first Glimmer painting done in 2021, feeling outdated compared to our fleshed out style over the last 2 years. As a result, I went through and put together something matching the original ideas, but giving it a tiny refresh to suit the design of the guards of the Chamber, one of the factions in the story.

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